Wednesday, November 2, 2011


So, when something specific happens regularly as a result of something you're doing, or not doing, you begin to think it's you, right? You would like to think, for sanity purposes, that you can control some aspect of how people react to you. You can't. I held a mirror up to my stupid situation, and realized that No, It's NOT me. Before you doubt, know that I've been examining for weeks.... AND, there's no need to defend myself either. Whatever.

I don't need what I previously thought I might. My family is enough. I'm done with people showing interest in me until they get what they can, be it information, money, a sale, a fitness routine, then leave me high and dry. Wring me out, then throw me away. Who needs you, anyway?

Suck. It.


  1. Boo. People are lame, but You are cool.

  2. Dude. What happened?

    We still have cake, BTW. I think we are all on the mend.

  3. Nothing if too much importance, anymore. Just one of those things that required a public lashing. How old is that cake?? lol We totally want a cake party with you guys, just name the time! Hillary, YOU are too cool for school. Even Law school ;-)
