Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Just a Tuesday morning

I apologize if I'm over-stepping my blogspot bounds of simply "updating" every time some actual event takes place in my life. Sometimes, I just wanna talk. This happens to be one of them.
You know how at certain times during the day you're your most thoughtful, day-dreaming you? The most focused. The most articulate about the most frivolous things? That's usually in the morning for me as soon as I sit at my desk and put on my tunes. I usually have zero work to do, which is not an element to be envious about, trust me. It's torture knowing I could be with my girl, or out doing something of productivity versus sitting here day in and day out for hours on end with NOTHING to do. Hey, thanks for hearing me out.
Anyway, Jakob Dylan, "Yeah, but you gotta give in. You gotta let go. Then you can rise up slow, like a desert horse." I'm unsure how a desert horse rises up slowly in comparison to a non-desrt horse. Perhaps he's referring to a race. Horses race, right? Point is, I wish I could raise up just a little more; a little more gracefully, maybe. "you don't gotta stand up tall, but baby you must stand up". What are your favorite lyrics? How much does music affect your mood? I'm a sucker for a song in A minor and C. They could be singing about babies in the sunshine in A minor and I'd still inevitably shroud myself in a bout of melancholy. I love it. I freakin' love that a combination of sounds can induce something in you not only emotionally, but physically. Think about at the gym: you gonna run better to Tequila Sunrise by the Eagles, or Cochise by Audioslave? Love it.
My favorite music to cook to is Ryan Adams, and Josh Ritter. Ok, confession? I prefer to listen to Josh Ritter whilst doing anything. He may be my personal lifetime soundtrack. That being said, every time I walk into a room, I wish the song "Coming Back to Life" by Pink Floyd (the part where all the happiness ensues, and everybody feels good about life) would play. Colby claims he wants a Brian Sezter song to play (some rockabilly artist-whom I think is obnoxious-dont' hate me, dear), but we all know he really either wants the theme of Star Wars, or Indiana Jones to play. If he's going for hero, he should know that he's mine and Hallie's hero everyday, baby.

Albums I recommend:

Ryan Adams-Cold Roses (disc 1 is a party, disc 2 is one you pop in for a drive).

Josh Ritter-all of them, but if you're gonna purchase one, get The Animal Years. When you do, plug your earphones in and take a solitary walk. I mean, Stephen King did it. It's gotta be cool. I mean scary. Just do it.

Jakob Dylan-Women and Country. I know everybody wants to claim they know the best music-and honestly we all truly feel that way because of our own interactions and associations with the artist or music-but there's a line of Good and a distinct line of Suck. This album falls under the Universal Good. You almost need it. This isn't necessarily a sedentary album. You gotta be doing something minimal so you can focus on it. There's SO many economonical references, and not the pushy political kind; the "hey, you gotta lend a helping hand" kind.

This ain't my first ride, it ain't my last ride, but I've got to keep movin' on.

Let me know your thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. My thoughts would like to say that blogs are for whatever you want them to be for, so post whatever you like as often as you want.
